Monday, September 7, 2015

phi of n | Some useful technical information for Telephone (Mac OS X Softphone)

phi of n | Some useful technical information for Telephone (Mac OS X Softphone):

Some useful technical information for Telephone (Mac OS X Softphone)

By Maurice13. October 2010 11:41

Telephone has two not so obvious options under Preferences/Network: "Use ICE" and "Use DNS SRV". What do they mean?

In order to find out, I activated Debug logging with defaults write com.tlphn.Telephone LogLevel -integer 4. The log file will be at ~/Library/Logs/Telephone.log.

  • "Use DNS SRV" - this is a discovery method. Telephone checks for the followign DNS records: _sip._udp.<domain-as-specified-by-account>. The lookup is tried twice.
  • "Use ICE" (ICE = Interactive Connectivity Establishment) - this is a NAT traversal technology (explanation of methodology). Telephone seems to use the pjnath module, andthere ICE uses STUN transport. So checking this option is only useful if you also use STUN. I do not use STUN so I get lot's of messages like icetp00 Creating ICE stream transport with n component(s)icetp00  Comp 1: host candidate <local-ip>:<local-port>addedicetp04  ICE stream transport created,  and finally icetp07  Too many host candidates.
And last - if you want to transfer Telephone-settings from one computer to another, copy the~/Library/Preferences/com.tlphn.Telephone.plist - but remeber that the account password is saved in keychain under the entry SIP: <name-of-domain>. If this entry is not present, Telephone may not start properly.

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