Flex 3 sdk command line development with example on Linux
This post shows how to do Flex 3 development using command line compiler mxmlc under Linux
The example uses a basic actionscript 3 class and an mxml file using the class defined in the .as file.
Step 1:
Download and extract flex 3 sdk to /opt/flex_sdk_3
Hence my flex_sdk_home is /opt/flex_sdk_3
Add /opt/flex_sdk_3/bin to environment path variable.
Create project folder in workspace /home/asantoso/workspace/flex/
With project name example: actionscript
The final directory structure is:
Step 2:
Copy flex-config.xml from ${flex_sdk_home}/frameworks to /home/asantoso/workspace/flex/actionscript/flex-config.xml
cp $flex_sdk_home/frameworks/flex-config.xml /home/asantoso/workspace/flex/actionscript/flex-config.xml
Edit flex-config.xml:
vi $flex_sdk_home/frameworks/flex-config.xml
Important step:
${flexlib} is a special config file variable used by the compiler and the value refers to the directory of the sdk. in this example ${flexlib} points to /opt/flex_sdk_3/frameworks. Since you are using flex-config.xml in a different folder, you need to correct the values of external library path elements, library path elements, namespace manifest path. You can statically set the paths manually, or append ${flexlib} to external library path elements, library path elements, namespace manifest path.
Now, uncomment the source-path element, and add a path-element child in the source-path element, which points to the root src folder of our project.
save flex-config.xml
Step 3:
Create actionscript file: /home/asantoso/workspace/flex/actionscript/src/com/example/quickstart/Greeter.as
package com.example.quickstart
public class Greeter
public var name:String;
private var secretValue:Number;
public function Greeter(initialName:String=”Agus”)
name = initialName;
public function sayHello():String
var result:String;
if(name!=null && name.length>0){
result = “Hello there, “+name+”.”;
result=”Hello there, anonymous.”;
return result;
Create mxml file: /home/asantoso/workspace/flex/actionscript/com/example/quickstart/Greeter_mx.mxml